Tummy tuck surgery cost in Chennai
After having children, some women will oppose to reinstate their pre-baby body. Changes to the stiff can most often be seen in the 2 main areas of the breasts and stomach. These parts can frequently become immune to weight loss during usual methods such as diet and exercise. This can be frustrating and can unenthusiastically crash your self-esteem. In many cases, cosmetic surgery of the female breasts and stomach and can be joint into a single process and this is frequently referred to as a mummy makeover. The exact nature of the process will vary from patient to patient because every woman will have different body shapes that change in various ways. Most significantly, women will have exact goals from a mummy makeover procedure.
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Your tummy stretches a vast amount during pregnancy and as it will spring back to some degree after you give birth; unluckily sometimes this is just not sufficient. Split abdominal muscles and excess skin can leave you with an annoying “pooch” that no amount of sit ups will shift. The answer is an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, to leave your abdomen looking flat and fab.
· A mini abdominoplasty (or mini tummy tuck) addresses surplus skin below the belly button, and leaves a shorter scar.
· An endoscopic abdominoplasty permit skin to be tightened below the belly button as well as tightening muscles, and also leaves a shorter scar.
· A full abdominoplasty occupies all of the surplus skin below the belly button being separate and the muscles tightened. It can be combined with liposuction to attain optimal fat removal, and achieves utmost tightening of the abdomen.
Dr. Sivakumar at Desire Aesthetics will discuss each of these options with you during your individual one-on-consultation, explaining your options and helping you select the tummy tuck solution that is right for you. When you’re prepared, you can book your consultation here. Tummy tuck surgery cost in Chennai at Desire Aesthetics suits your budget.
· A mini tummy tuck in the Chennai typically costs among 2lakhs to 10lakhs.
· This tummy tuck surgery cost in Chennai depends on the surgeon and where you live.
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