What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a clinical condition in which benign extreme breast development happens in males. It is also termed as man boobs or “Moobs”. It can be a just little tapering protrusion called puffy nipple to fully developed breast like a female, to harshly enlarged gynaecomastia. Typically, it is bilateral but can be unilaeral or asymetricalgynaecomastia. theoccurrence of excess breast tissue is 25% among men; more recent studies have reported an overall incidence of 32% to 36%, and 64.6% in adolescent boys.
The feel of having a feminine look might disturb one’s self-esteem. Itfrequently put one in a very embarrassing situation and can harm the excellence of life. No phenomenon gynecomastia is the commonest cosmetic surgery today. Now the best gynecomastia surgery in Chennaiis done under local anesthesia with a combination of advance Laser and Vaser liposuction as a day care process. When combined with gland excision, it is almost permanent solution. It gives simple, stitch less as well as scarless recovery.
gynecomastia surgery in Chennai
If you feel that you have abnormally large male breasts and male breast reduction procedure is something that you are extremely considering then it is time to visit an expert plastic surgeon in Chennai. The end result of the male breast reduction surgery should give your chest the most natural looking advent and the scars should not show. The condition of your skin is a very important part to play in the role healing post the Best gynecomastia surgery in Chennai.
- Different types of male breast reduction surgery methods used in Desire Aesthetics
THE WEBSTER INCISION : In this method of male breast reduction the incision is made under the mamillas that too in the lower half and therefore the scar are on the dark skin. The unnecessary tissue is taken out in this process under general anaesthesia.
LIPOSUCTION METHOD : This is the minimally offensive method for performing male breast reduction surgery. Small incisions are made under the nipple (only 5mm size) and the extreme glandular tissue is removed following liposuction.
Apart from it the surgeon Dr. A. Sivakumar uses other methods to do the Best gynecomastiasurgery in Chennai.
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